さて、僕は現行のiPod 60GBを購入したのだが、世の中にはiPod nanoに引き続き、とうとうiPod Videoが登場するようだ。以下の内容は「mac news」によるもの。
According to various sources, an event around October 7th will finally bring on the 5G iPod, the “iPod video”. With a larger screen, overall a tad smaller size, the “big” iPod will have 60 and 80 GB drives and have the ability to view music videos, video podcasts as well as a selection of licensed TV shows, cartoons and short films from iTMS.
For all the critics out there: It’s quite hard to ignore that iTunes and the iTMS have been prepared for (short) video content lately.
According to same sources, the price for the highend iPod video will be 499 USD.
さらに、Apple Insiderによると、詳しく書いてあり、現行モデルよりも薄いサイズで液晶が少し大きくなるようだ。とにかく、動画がハードウェア的にサポートされるようだ。
AppleInsider | Apple planning launch of video iPod (updated)
The release of the iPod video is expected to be accompanied by a “major update” to Apple’s iTunes music store that will include a significant number of music videos and other short video content.
僕的には、第三世代iPodを購入し、今回、第四世代を購入したように、新しいiPod Videoが世に出て一年後くらいに購入することになるんだろうなあ。